Friday 13 January 2012

Research Techniques

Qualitative research is the quality of the research you produce. In qualitative research you get asked questions about your opinions on TV programmes or films like whether you thought it was any good, what could of been done to make the film better before they fully commit a budget to full production and is a type of primary research and can be done by using surveys or interviews and other methods rather than finding out things from hard facts and figures.
A focus group is a example of qualitative research where people sit around and discuss.

Quantative reasearch is research where you simplify things into numbers and statistics. An example of this is TV ratings on a programme to see how many people view a programme and see if it continues or how well a magazine is selling and whether more lower class or higher class buy it.
This is an example of quantative research

Primary research is research that you find out for yourself and don't use other peoples research resources. For example if you do research and ask people questions yourself  and do your own survey its your own research so its your primary resource.

Secondary research is when you use other peoples research like other people surveys and results and use them as your resource for your research to prove your point. For example using someone elses findings on how well magazines sell is a type of secondary research.

Research production is researching into things like the cost of productions, technogical resources, locations for production and the content available for production.

In market research you research things like product market, competition, competitor analysis, advertising placement, advertising effects to see what people like from the market and how well it will compete with other products for an audience and revenue.

Audience research is where you research things like audience data, audience profiling, demographics, geodemographics, consumer behaviour, consumer attitudes, audience awareness to find out information about target audience for a paticular media product or industry.

You are going to produce a film for a demographic group of 15-21 year olds, to find out what sort of things they like you need to do research.
You would do primary research and ask questions like what type of films they prefer and often they go cinema. Qualatative research would come into this as you are finding out indepth information about what people like not just finding out facts and figures. Secondry reasearch and Primary research could be used to find out facts and figues like what type of film this group prefer the most by using others research or by asking people yourself.                            

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